Take a look at our parish happenings!
What if I've been away from the church
for a long time? What if I'm divorced...I thought I'm not allowed back?
What if I have a past that I'm not proud of?
What if I've been told that I am not living like a Catholic/Christian should live?
You are welcome here.
Still not sure? Come and see...
I remember a while back, I had a stressful week and didn't want to volunteer at Divine Savior. My wife pushed me to fulfill my commitment and that night was amazing! By volunteering at DS I get an INFUSION of LOVE that carries me through the days.
~ Marcus Arnold
There are numerous ways to be involved at Divine Savior at both a parish and community level. We do so much more than simply attend Mass on the weekend. This is a vibrant and active faith community that truly embodies the "All Are Welcome" mantra.
~ Laini Harris
As a member of Divine Savior, I have been blessed with many opportunities to serve. Welcoming people to our parish fills me with joy and I truly get to show that God welcomes all. Connecting with others is my way of sharing the goodness of Jesus.
~ Mary Ann Mitchell
When we moved to the Sacramento area we spent many months looking for a church that welcomed everyone's voice and reflected the teachings of Jesus to care for all people. Both of these values were there in the beginning at Divine Savior and continue today. And, gratefully, I stay as we all support each other to act on our beliefs.
~ Joyce Daniels