Manna Meals Ministry is made up of parishioners who help cook or purchase meals and deliver them to those who are recovering at home from surgery, an injury or illness, the birth of a baby or following the death of a loved one. Our volunteers come from all ages and abilities, but they all share a love for our community and compassion for those who need temporary help with preparing meals for their families. There is no cost to receive meals through this ministry.
Manna Ministry is like “Divine Savior Door Dash!”
If you would like to help with this ministry, please contact
Denise Verbeck at [email protected].
Volunteers utilize the Take Them A Meal online system to read about family food allergies, to organize menus, and to sign up for meal dates. Click on the logo below to see their website and to get great meal ideas!
There are many resources available to help you heal in mind, body, and are some of them:
Daily Mass via YouTube Daily Mass via Facebook
Ministry to the Homebound (Communion) Prayer Tree Requests Going Deeper with Fr. Roman
Fr. Roman's weekly message Fr. Marcel's weekly homily